Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Shawnimals Plushform Customs @ Rotofugi!!!

The show at Rotofugi Chicago is TONIGHT! I've posted pics of my piece on Flickr HERE!
A few images are posted below also - woot!

(Previous Post June 11)

On June 27th at Rotofugi in Chicago is hosting the opening of Shawnimals Plushform Custom Show. I'll be contributing a piece along with a slew of talented individuals - see the flyer below for a full list of names. And if you are in Chicago - stop by!

3 FEET HIGH SHOW!!! June 23


Well folks, the 3 Feet High opening was last night and it was a great time! My PARENTS showed up - crazy. I wish I had a chance to talk to some more of the artists that showed up but it was SO hectic in there- which is a good thing really. So a belated "Great job everyone!". Good times. Here's a pic of the deck I did and some from the opening below. For more pics of the deck go HERE and for more pics from the opening go HERE - enjoy!


Previous Post:
A show of customized skate decks from some terrific artists - Opening June 23rd 7-10 @ MAXWELLS - 1039 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ (201)653-1703. A flyer and a teaser image below! See you there ;) (The show is organized by Andrea of

Monday, June 02, 2008


I never posted the completed MoneyGrip from the KaNO MyPlasticHeart Show way back when so here's a couple images of the completed custom and of the opening below! (For more visit the flickr albums - toy or opening)


(me and danny! - thanks again for having me :) )